Somerset Regal Bank

Additional Services

Additional Services

Free Online Bill Pay

Pay bills not postage. Manage bills from anywhere you happen to be, quickly easily and on time — guaranteed! You can sign up for Free Online Bill Pay at the same time you sign up for Free Online Banking or anytime after. Forget about writing checks and take the hassle out of paying bills. You can even make last minute payments to almost anyone, anywhere in the continental United States.

It's easy to sign up for Free Online Bill Pay. Log In to Online Banking and click on Bill Payment.

Free eStatements

No more waiting for the mail! With eStatements you get faster access to your statements plus the convenience of storing your statements electronically. Our eStatements are free and available for your personal and business checking, savings and money market accounts. Go paperless today and help reduce the risk of mail fraud and identity theft.

  • View, print or save an electronic version of your statement which is the same as your printed statement
  • Receive monthly email notification when your new statement is available online
  • Help the environment by reducing paper consumption

It's easy to sign up for Free eStatements. Log In to Online Banking and click on eStatement.

Free ATMs

When we say free ATMs for our customers, we mean free. We won't charge you a fee on our end, and we'll reimburse you for any surcharge you incur at another bank's ATM. Or any ATM anywhere. It's totally, completely, 100% surcharge free.

Free Visa® Check Card

Our Visa® Check Card puts a world of convenience right at your finger tips. You can get cash and make purchases with just one card. It's more convenient than carrying around cash and faster than writing a check.

  • Use it to get cash at ATMs worldwide
  • Make purchases at millions of merchant locations worldwide
  • Check Card purchases are automatically deducted from your checking account so there's no interest to pay
  • Simplify your recordkeeping — transaction information is detailed on your monthly checking account statement

Free Direct Deposit

Make a deposit without making a trip to the bank. It's the fastest, easiest, safest way to have payroll, social security, dividend, pension or government checks deposited to your account. It's easy to sign up for direct deposit. Stop by any of our branch locations. We will be happy to assist you.

Free Bank-By-Phone

Sometimes you need information on your account, but don't have a computer at your fingertips. For those moments, simply call us toll-free at 1-800-420-1220. You can manage your money just by using a touch-tone telephone.

  • Check account balances
  • Get information on your loan or mortgage
  • Transfer funds

Information on current Certificate of Deposit offerings is available by calling our toll-free rate hotline at 1-800-223-0810.